
I'm Zach Alexander.

I'm currently a software developer at I do all things web.


Amazon - Seattle, WA - 10/2016 - Present

Software Development Engineer - Working to create next generation Amazon experiences on the web platform.

The New York TimesNew York, NY8/2015 - 9/2016

Software Developer - Worked with Advertising Technology to build a user analytics platform and web dashboard for native advertising content. Maintained and enhanced the front-end core Ad Library for and developed native advertising content for the site.

Elephant VenturesNew York, NY – Beijing, CN3/2014 - 8/2014, 9/2014 – 8/2015 (Part Time)

Software Engineer - Developed JavaScript web applications with the MEAN stack. Built responsive themes and custom modules for large-scale Drupal builds. Orchestrated virtual development environments and continuous integration servers.

Fifty Fifty Web Development - Brooklyn, NY6/2013 - 9/2013 (Part Time), 1/2014 - 3/2014

Web Developer - Developed fully-featured, responsive and professional custom WordPress themes and plugins for a diverse range of clients.

University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA6/2012 - 9/2012

Information Security Co-op - Performed open source web application security research, coordinated patches with developers.


Languages (professional): JavaScript (ES5 & ESNext), Java, PHP, Python, BASH, SQL, HTML/CSS

Languages (academic): Ruby, Golang, Objective C, C, IA32 Assembly

Frameworks and Libraries: React.js, Flux/Redux, Node.js, Angular.js, Java Play, Java Spring MVC, D3 / HighCharts / Chart.js, CSS-in-JS, CSSModules, SASS, Compass, jQuery, Material Design, Drupal, WordPress

Tooling: Webpack, Babel, gulp, Jest, AVA, Mocha, Karma, eslint, git, Storybook, UNIX, Jenkins, AWS, Travis CI, New Relic, Google Analytics, IntelliJ, Sublime Text 3, VIM

Additional Knowledge: Scalable architecture, performance optimization, user analytics, advertising technology, web security best practices, search engine optimization, responsive web development, continuous integration, AGILE development practices


Peking University - Beijing, China

School for Chinese as a Second Language – 9/2014 - 7/2015

New York University - New York, NY

BA in Economics, Cum Laude – 9/2010 - 12/2013

Double Minor in Computer Science and Chinese Language

Radnor High School - Radnor, PA

2370 SAT score